I have started using streaming Netflix (through PS3) to catch up on old TV shows. First, I refamiliarized myself with Arrested Development. OMG, one of the funniest shows EVER on TV. I loved it when it was on the air and rewatching all the episodes just reminded me how twisted that show really was. Totally developed a crush on Jason Bateman. NOBODY else could've played Michael Bluth.
Then, it took me a couple of months to watch all 6 seasons of Nip/Tuck. I was years late on that one. I think the show started in 2004 and ended in 2009. Really good show. Had some extremely over the top situations happen to those guys. Kind of like Big Love (which I also loved). Makes you wonder if stuff like that REALLY happens to people in the world. Totally developed a crush on Dr. Christian Troy. What a cutie :)
I recently just got totally caught up on 30 Rock. It was one of those shows that I would catch once in a while on TV and always thought it was really funny but it just never stuck. I watched seasons 1-4 on Netflix then I caught up w/ this current season on nbc.com. OMG, what an effin hilarious show. Tina Fey is some kind of comical GENIUS! The humor is so subtle and witty, it's just awesome. There is not a single character on that show that could be played by another actor and be as good. Totally developed a crush on Alec Baldwin (plus he's the cutest of the Baldwin Brothers). I heart me some Jack Donaghy.
I also refamiliarized myself with a few seasons of Six Feet Under. I LOVED that show when it was on. To me, the sign of an awesome show is one that moves me to tears. That one did. Often. Do I need to mention that for about 3 years I wanted to have Peter Krause's babies?
Hmmmm, I'm starting to see a trend here...
Any suggestions for my next series??
Your right, Netflix is GREAT. All I need is a PS3 or Wii in my room now. Or do I opt for the Directtv HD DVR for every room. So many choices, so little money. It's funny that we fall in love with these characters. I can relate. My favs are still on Greys Anatomy. Such Hotties! Mc Steamy = Mc Yummy
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