I am always trying to get something for free or at least for cheap. I remember years back when I wanted to purchase a good flat iron. Pay $80-$100 for a nice Chi w/ ceramic plates? No way. That's definitely not worth it in my mind. The one they sell at Walgreens with the super cheap looking metal plates that sells for $15 has got to be just as good. "You're just paying for the designer label" I tell myself. But guess what, it's not anywhere near as good. So now, not only did I invest in a nice flat iron, I also wasted money on other models thinking I was getting a good deal.
I've owned one designer purse in my whole life. And I only bought it to support my sister-in-laws business. Because do I really want to spend $100+ on a purse barely big enough to fit my cell phone and that gets used about twice a year? Just to look all cool and fancy that I have a designer purse? No, I do not. Because I'm cheap.
Most recently, I was looking at Pandora bracelets and charms online. Then I start thinking to myself "do i really want to spend close to $100 on a bracelet and some charms?" I will let you guess the answer to that one. So I go over to Amazon and start finding similar bracelets and charms for WAY less. I got a bracelet and 2 bags of 50 piece (yes, bags of 50 charms) charms for LESS than what just the Pandora bracelet costs. I am ecstatic! Until they arrive. First of all, I ordered the wrong size bracelet. It was too small. Second, it looked WAY cheap and snagged my arm hairs. The charms are OK I guess. The little center circles on most of them are all loose and fall off but as far as the look, they're not too bad.
So, I let Jill pick out some charms and I gave her the bracelet. LOL. Meanwhile, I've told my husband all about this because I think I'm so smart and I'm finally going to get away with being so cheap. Then when I told him how cheap looking everything was he says "Why do you do this? Just order the real thing." "Because I always think I'm going to get away with it!" I say.
So, once again, I've had to invest in the real thing AND I've wasted my money on the cheap stuff. I'm starting to convince myself that I am actually "investing" in nice things so that way it doesn't hurt so bad spending the big bucks.
When will I learn? So much for saving myself some money.
Hysterical! Cheap is good. Our coupons gave us a great deal for Friday dinner