Kudos to any of you who recognize that as a reference from one of the greatest movies of all time, Fight Club.
Anywho... any of you who spend any significant amount of time with me know that I suffer from the most annoying cough in the world. I ALWAYS have it. It never goes away but, rather, goes through varying degrees of bad to worse. This cough is caused by a post nasal drip. The post nasal drip is caused by allergies. I have had this condition for YEARS now. It all started when I was pregnant with this one. In an attempt to be rid of this cough forever, I have started seeing an ENT (ear, nose, throat) doctor. He recently diagnosed me with this. So now I'm on an allergy nose spray and an acid reflux pill. I also do a nasal rinse (which is shooting saline water up my nostrils to clean out and sterilize my nasal passages. this does NOT feel awesome.). None of which have been particularly helpful over the last week. But I guess I must give it time.
I recently also underwent allergy testing. Anyone ever done this before? This was actually the second time I have been allergy tested. I got 88 pin pricks on my back (which DID feel awesome actually. what is wrong with me??) and 88 injections in my arms. It's the same 88 allergans just in different strengths. Lucky for me, I tested pretty severely to many indoor AND outdoor allergans. Isn't that great? I can't live indoors or outdoors.
I have this test coming up also, where they will test my vocal cords and swallowing. I'm really hoping that either testing or meds will start to get this under control. This cough is so frustrating. Sometimes I can't sleep because of it. Sometimes my core muscles get extremely sore from coughing so much and so hard. Sometimes I pee myself because I cough so hard. Sometimes my head feels like it's going to explode from of it. Not to mention, the constant sniffling, blowing my nose and clearing my throat. It's annoying to everyone. Not just me. I feel bad for the people that sit around me at work. Even the kids have commented "Mom, when is that cough going to go away?" I don't know, that's all I can say.
I'm trying people, I'm trying. Whatever you do, don't offer me a cough drop or water or ask if I'm "taking anything for that cough". I will punch you in the face.
omg...please do not punch me in the face. I am hopefull you will get to the bottom of this. Don't give up and keep persisting with these doctors!!