Monday, May 21, 2012


I hired a handyman service called "Genius Home Repair" to replace the exterior garage door (not the automatic garage door, but a regular sized door) in my house.  When they were about to put it in the guy asked me which way I want it installed.  Whether I want it to swing in our out.  I just thought to myself "I really don't care".  And that's what I said to him.  So he responds with, "well, ideally you would want the weather stripping to be to the outside" (which would make the door swing into the garage).  I was like, "OK".  Turns out this is the wrong way to install the door.  Rule, exterior doors should always swing OUT.  They spend 3 hrs installing the door and it actually looks really good when they leave.  About 2 hrs later we have a massive downpour and the bottom of the door is letting rain in like crazy, flooding my garage.  When the guys were there, the doorknob was working just fine.  As soon as they leave, I can't open the door.  The doorknob was not working at all.  This was actually a faulty doorknob and had nothing to do with the guys.  So, then, I had to go out and buy a new doorknob (and it took me about 20 min to get the old doorknob off.  I was ready to kill someone!).  But I'm so frustrated at this point because my garage is flooded and I can't open the door that I call Joe and bitch to him what happened.  He's like "of course it's flooding, they put the door in backwards!  There's only ONE way to install an exterior door."  I'm like "well then why in the world would they ASK me which way I wanted it installed!?"  Honestly, I felt kind of stupid that I told them I didn't care which way it was installed.  I guess I just didn't realize it would actually make a difference.  It does people!  So he calls them up and leaves a message that they installed the door backwards.  By Sunday morning neither one of us has heard back from them.  So I call and leave a message.  One of the guys calls back and says they'll be there by 12 to fix it.  When they showed up, they literally, said nothing to me.  Ha, I think they felt stupid about their mistake.  So they spend the next 2 hrs turning the door around.  But in the process, they ruined all the brick molding on the outside (which they charged me over $100 for) and didn't have any to replace it.  So they have to come back sometime this week to finish the outside trim.


1 comment:

  1. Wow...I'd be so pissed off!! It's definitely a phone call that Jake would make to them because I would have went off on them and said something I'd regret. LOL ;-)
