Jill had this homework the other night where she had to write a story about a pumpkin. Her teacher had given the kids some examples of what to write about. "How to carve a pumpkin" or "Picking a pumpkin from a pumpkin patch". Jill comes home and tells me, "I asked my teacher 'what else can I write about? I've never been to a pumpkin patch'". I said, Jillian, of course you've been to a pumpkin patch, child! She said, no I haven't. So I thought about it and I realized MY KIDS HAVE NEVER BEEN TO A PUMPKIN PATCH! OMG, am I the worst mother ever? What kind of childhood have I been giving my children? Yes, I'm exaggerating. But pumpkin patches are just not that big around South Florida. Once in a while you'll see one on the side of the road. Usually as part of a church or something. And they're like $30 a pumpkin. Uh, no thanks.
I can't remember the last time we carved a pumpkin for Halloween. Not a big fan of Halloween.
But my goodness, I cannot let my kids grow up and never remember going to a pumpkin patch. Although, I don't EVER remember going to a pumpkin patch as a kid. Needless to say, we'll be stopping at one of those roadside pumpkin patches in our very near future, but I am NOT buying a $30 pumpkin!! But I WILL post a cute pic of Jill in a pumpkin patch.