I've been a terrible, terrible blogger. Sorry. I'm still here. And there's still lots going on. I just haven't been writing about it. As far as Joe and I, we're still getting divorced. Sort of. That would actually require Joe to fill out the divorce paperwork. Which he has had for well over a month. And hasn't even looked at it. I took all my time to fill out 90% of it. It requires an hour of his attention to fill out his financial information which I cannot fill out for him. He says he's been "too busy" to do it. But he says he's not stalling. OK.
Liam made Gold honor roll! That means all A's and B's. OMG you guys, this is a BIG deal for him! I know I said that last time too when he made Silver honor roll. But I am just so proud of him! He's been working so hard in 4th grade. Football season is gearing up for him as well. He had his first official Valentine this year. I know, OH EMM GEE! Fun fun. He's cool and very sensitive and hates kisses from his mama but I just adore him.
Jill is just Jill. She doesn't do sports. Or dance. Or karate. But she texts me (from my iTouch) just about every night when she is not home with me to tell me how much she misses and loves me. She gets all 1's and 2's on her report cards. I have a feeling she is going to be more of the "mathlete" type when she gets older. She's girly and squishy and quite possibly the most unreasonable person on the planet. And she is just my favorite little girl in the whole entire world.
I'm already thinking about summer vaca. I have so many options this year but have decided on Maine. I haven't been in almost 3 yrs already and, outside of airfare, it's a fairly cheap trip for me. Remember, my house is always open if anyone wants to come visit for a week (or more). We would love the company!
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