For the first time, the kids are in REAL summer camp. Having my Dad watch them this summer just wasn't really an option. They serve free breakfast and lunch, which is awesome. Except, my kids are so super duper picky in their culinary requirements that what I hear every day is "Lunch was so gross!" "My burrito was wet!" "My turkey sandwich had turkey on it!" Ay, ay, ay. These kids, I swear.
They go on two to three field trips a week. Which requires a school bus to get there. Not crazy about this idea. But mostly they're having fun and doing lots of stuff there. And no one has died yet. However, it really peeves Jill that her camp counselor's daughter is in their group. Apparently, she shows preferential treatment to her own kid. They went to the zoo last week and I asked Jill how it was. "It was terrible. My counselor only bought her daughter a slushy and NO ONE ELSE!" Outrageous! That is downright Jillian abuse.
Overall, they are not crazy about summer camp. But I really don't have a choice. Liam is already asking if he can stay home by himself next summer. Um. No.
Jillie is right. It is not fair. That or they should tell the parents to give a couple of extra dollars on field trips so all the kids can get ices.