Monday, August 18, 2014

The School Bus

Another first day of school!  I can't believe how grown up these kids are.

Now, you may notice Liam's face is less than thrilled.  The kid didn't blink an eye at the thought of entering 6th grade until we actually got to the school.  Then there was a major awakening that "holy shit, this just got real!"  Joe and I dropped him off together.  The school is so big and there were so many kids.  It was overwhelming.  But by the time we walked around a bit and figured out where his classes were and where he had to pick up the bus home he was doing much better.  Which leads me to the title of this post, THE SCHOOL BUS!  A few weeks ago I was absolutely freaking out about the idea that Liam was MOST LIKELY going to have to take the bus.  I've mentioned here before that I am TERRIFIED at the thought of "the school bus".  So, in all my freaking out, I thought to myself "maybe I should just ask Liam if he's ok with this".  So I ask him, "Liam, how would you feel if you had to take the school bus everyday?"  He says, "I don't care."  Ha.  So I realized, the "school bus" is MY fear, not his fear.  So we're giving it a try.  First day, so far so good.

So, first day of school was a success!

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