I was listening to the radio yesterday and they were doing a segment on the "Bitchface". Bitchface is when a woman has a permanent scowl on her face even though she is perfectly happy and/or content. All these women were calling up saying stuff like "I know I have bitchface b/c people are ALWAYS asking me 'what's wrong?' or 'why are you mad?' even though I am in a perfectly good mood when they ask." And I'm thinking to myself, I get that ALL THE TIME. If I'm not actively engaged with someone, the natural look on my face, apparently, always looks bitchy. I have literally heard this from people my entire life. I feel so relieved to know that it has a name now. Bitchface. Joe has certainly "accused" me of being mad all the time. Apparently, he just didn't realize that I suffer from a real condition. Nor did I. And, obviously, I am not alone.
Over the past few months, I know I have had permanent bitchface because, indeed, I have been feeling bitchy. The look on my face certainly let people know "leave me alone. I am not interested in talking to you." But recently, I have been trying to be aware of how I must look to other people and I consciously (btw, I spelled consciously correct the very first time I typed it, I'm so proud of myself) try to keep a "soft" look on my face so I seem more approachable to people. What guy wants to approach the bitchface in a bar? Not many, I'm assuming.
So guys next time you see me with bitchface, don't ask what's wrong, just have pity on me. It's a real thing. I wonder if there's a pill I can take?
I think it's funny that you were listening to a radio show about bitchface, how can one see what bitchface is on the radio. Deb, our mother had a wee bit of bitchface and we all know there is no way she was a bitch. Don't judge a book by it's cover. And for all the guys that see you from afar, I hope they aren't stupid enough not to approach you, even when you have the bitchface on!