Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Facebook is getting annoying

I suppose it's not Facebook itself, but rather, the users of Facebook.  At the risk of offending some people that might read this blog, here are some of my most hated types of posts:

  • the vague post - i.e. - "praying for answers...tomorrow is going to be a big day!"  I think sometimes people forget that people on Facebook are not with them 24/7 so therefore, when you post something this vague, PLEASE TELL US WHAT THE EFF YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!  And please, when someone comments on your post and asks "what's going on?", please DON'T write back and inform us, but rather, keep us in suspense forever.
  •  the honeymooner post - i.e. - "Happy one week anniversary to my husband! This time a week ago I was getting all dolled up for my walk down the aisle! Thank you to everyone who has posted photos of our special day!"  Oh good Lord, are we going to see a happy anniversary message to your new husband every week?  EVERYONE has one of these in their friends list.
  • the WAY-TOO-MUCH-INFORMATION post - i.e. - "was able to take a shower! Woohoo! It is the little things in life that make me happy. Doing a bit better. Still weak (you would be too if you have been laying down for a week) and can only walk a little at a time but I will get there. Baby steps. Thanks for the phone calls and messages:) You all rock! (and thank you to my hubby because he is my rock and has been doing everything. He is awesome:)"  Wow, I thought Facebook had a character limit for posts?  Obviously, it is higher than 406, which is what that post is.  Facebook, get on that.  Be more like Twitter, 140 characters or less.  Otherwise, just start a damn blog.
  • the everyone must know every minute of what I'm doing post - i.e. -"We off to the wild wild west......"  Fabulous.  Are you there yet?  I'm sure you'll let us all know in about 20 minutes when you "check in".

Honestly, I could go on and on... and these are actual posts that I've had in my news feed from the past week.  And don't even get me started on the poor grammar and misspellings.  Then there are people that never do anything on Facebook and I kind of wonder why they are even on there in the first place.  I am EXTREMELY picky about who I am friends with on Facebook.  And I have no problem unfriending people for whatever ridiculous reason I see fit.  I'm a little like Seinfeld in that way.  I will break up with your ass if you annoy me.  But, of course I am not one of these annoying Facebook users.  I mean, check out some of my gems from the past month:

8am root canal. not happy about this at all.

i could seriously eat a whole can of pringles pickle flavored chips. YUUUMMMYYYY!!!!

was listening to the radio -- heard one song called california king bed then another song called good girls don't grow on trees. seriously, who writes this crap?
ice cream shakes with my punkies on a HOT SoFla day! life is good.
Who wouldn't want to be friends with that? 
Guys, this is all in fun.  If you recognize any of these posts as your own, I still love you.  BUT, I might have to unfriend you.  No offense.


  1. You can "unfriend" people, gotta show me how! Do they know about it?
    You kind of remind me of that guy in that movie who sticks his head out the window and screams, "I'm not going to take it anymore!"
    BTW, how long do ice cream shakes last on a Hot SoFla day?

  2. go to your friends page, you may have to click on "edit friends". you will see a little x by their name that says "remove friend". click it. and they don't even know.
    shakes don't last long around here, that's for sure...

  3. You are so freakin funny! I cut people off just that quick too. I am horrible. As you see by my friends I am rather picky myself....lol

    Love ya girl!

  4. Should you want to remain their friend but not read their nonsensical posts, you also have the option to just remove them from your news feed. Simply go to the upper right hand corner of the post and a little X appears. Hitting that gives you the option to remove that single post or to remove all of their posts from the feed. That's usually the option I use. In fact, I'd have to say that I've removed close to %75 of my friends' posts at this point due to political ranting and day-to-day trivial postings.
