Monday, October 10, 2011

Karaoke, anyone?

So you know how sometimes you think you're going to do something with your kids and OMG, IT'S GOING TO BE SO AWESOME!  But then, in the way that kids do, they turn it to shit?  Yeah... that happened about 2 weeks ago.

We went to Best Buy to pick up a radio/cd player for Jill's birthday present from Grandpa.  So we walk past this display of Karaoke machines.  As I'm looking for a radio I want, the kids are playing on one of the karaoke machines.  After I pick out the radio I start thinking to myself "I think it would be a lot of fun to have one of these karaoke machines!  The kids would have a blast with it!"  SCORE - it's only $32 for the machine!  Then you have to buy special karaoke cd's.  They're about $13 a piece.  So I talk myself into this $50 investment for guaranteed hours of non stop fun.  I pick up a CD of karaoke songs from Katy Perry, Bruno Mars, Kesha and others.  Woohoo!  We are gonna sing our little hearts out.

So I get it home and it's easy peasey to hook up to the TV.  We are up and running in less than 10 min.  So on a rainy Saturday afternoon me and the kids are signing karaoke in our living room.  Jill went first, because, well because she's Jill (you all have met Jill, correct?).  So she sings a song that she knows very well.  But has a bit of stage fright so she just mumbles through most of it.  So now it's Liam's turn.  Which, of course, makes Jill cry.  Because Liam "made" her sing a song she didn't like and she wants another turn.  Too bad kid.  So Liam gets through his song.  Finally, MY turn!  I sing my little heart out to Katy Perry's Teenage Dream.  And I sound just as good as I do in the car!  OK, fine, some of my high notes made the kids' ears bleed  Except, much louder.  So, back to Jill.  I try to help her sing through her second song, she gets all mad at me.  Whatevs.  So I think we all took one more turn and then we were all kind of over it.  No one wanted to sing anymore.  So much for those hours of entertainment I thought this would provide. 

At this point, the kids are now just interested in talking into the machine.  Did I say talking?  I meant sssccccrrreeeaaammmiiiinnnnggggg into the machine.  Then Liam proceeds to put on a comedy routine.  Telling really bad jokes and laughing at them.  It was hysterical.  So throughout the day we put the machine on, we turn it off.  Liam does a few more comedy routines.  All the while, trying to watch any TV is impossible.  By evening, they are absolutely fighting over who's turn it is to "scream" into the machine.  I threaten to put the machine away if they can't stop with all this ridiculous arguing.  Apparently, they can't stop.  The machine has been in my closet ever since.

But I will definitely be breaking it out at our next card night!  Until then, I'll be working on my rendition of Teenage Dream, complete with dance moves!

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