Friday, June 8, 2012

I'm in a funk

You know how I know?  I have no cravings for food.  I mean, I get hungry and I know I need to eat.  I just never know what I want.  Nothing sounds particularly appetizing.  So I have to force myself to eat whatever.

I was talking with a recently divorced friend the other night and we were venting about our (ex)husbands.  I guess it just brought a lot of stuff to the surface.  Stuff I've been ignoring/repressing/living in denial about lately.  I mean, what the hell are Joe and I doing?  Why the hell aren't we moving towards divorce yet?  We haven't even talked in months.  I mean about anything other than Liam's football team or work.  I just can't stand the way he mostly ignores me.  I STILL can't stand it.  You'd think I'd be used to it by now.  But it hurts my feelings like nothing else in this world does.  I find myself hoping that he's miserable.  He deserves to be miserable.  HE did this to us.  How dare someone tell another person they love them and yet be so willing to desert and abandon them.  Not even try.  Not even want to try.  I would understand this whole thing so much better if you just said you DIDN'T love me anymore.  That makes sense.  That's why a person leaves another person.  Wow, just went off on a tangent there... sorry about that...

My guy friend dumped me for someone younger and blonder.  And (arguably) prettier.  I'm happy for him, I am.  He deserves to be with someone who is able to give him what he wants/needs.  And I'm just not that person right now.

I'm trying to give up caffeine because of my trouble sleeping.  I hadn't had a good nights sleep in about two weeks so I thought that giving up caffeine all together would help.  I'm on day 5 right now and I have had 3 decent (decent, not good) nights sleep in a row.  But I'm definitely waning.  I have absolutely no will power.  I miss my morning routine of a nice hot cup of coffee from DD.  But they say that 7 days of doing something forms a habit right?  So hopefully only 2 more days and I will be back in the habit of NOT drinking coffee.  And hopefully, back IN the habit of getting a good nights sleep.

As usual, in time this will pass.  Even my sour feelings towards Joe right now.

So tell me my lovelies, how do you know when you're in a funk?


  1. Your not getting enough sleep, you just got dumped(your word not mine), you gave up caffeine, you aren't eating well and you wonder why you are in a FUNK???? Try herbal tea (it's caffeine free) go for a walk before bed to clear your mind and work off some anxiety, and dust off your crock pot. Nothing better than coming home to the smell of food already prepared. Google some recipes. Oh yeah... and hang out with your divorced friend more so you can work on those feelings you are suppressing ;)

  2. So it looks like your guy friend cut out the pic of the younger, blonder chick he was sporting. You are way cooler than her, shoot him a text. Tell him you miss him and you would like to hang out.... they are not married. Be the bitch that you want to him that you are better. :) jus sayin
