Thursday, June 21, 2012

An Open Letter to My Kids

I love you guys more than words can ever express.  That's so cliche, I know.  But it's true.  You guys truly gave me purpose and direction in my life.  I didn't have much of that before you came along.  I want to give you guys everything important in life.  And I don't mean PSP's and brand new Jordans every 6 mos.  I mean, love and security and support.  I want to be a good role model for you to live up to. 

I want you to fill your lives with people who lift you up, who help you be better people.  Not people who bring you down and make you feel bad about yourselves.  Help other people be better people.  There is always room to be a better person.  I want you to always communicate openly and freely.  With everyone.  Wear your hearts on your sleeves.  Be compassionate and empathetic towards everyone you meet.  Empathy is so important in life.  Don't judge.  (That one is really hard!  But try.  Really hard.) 

Be humble.  Don't think you're better than other people because of the things you have.  Rather, try to be better than other people because of the way you are.  But don't think you're better than anyone.  Even though you may be.  It's snooty and judgy. 

Work hard for the things you have.  Don't let other people just give you everything.  Not even me.  You'll never appreciate anything that way.  Be responsible with your money.  It's a terrible feeling to be a slave to your debt.  Earning the things you have feels SO GOOD and NO ONE can ever take that away from you!

Travel the world.  Take the time when you're young to do this!  Be adventurous and experience other cultures.  Possibly, live in another country for a while.  Be a free spirit.  Live your lives for yourself.  No one else.  Not even me.  One of my few regrets in life is not traveling more when I was young and had the chance.

Mostly, I want you guys to be good people who are GOOD to other people.  Always try to be the best people you can be!  That will get you SO MUCH farther in life than anything else.  That's my belief anyway.

But most, MOST, of all, don't forget to love your Mom.  I won't be a perfect Mom.  Sometimes I'll yell.  Sometimes I'll get mad.  Sometimes I'll ground you for missing your curfew.  But, I promise, I will always try to be the best Mom I can be for you guys.  I love you with all of my soul and being.  Call me once in a while, won't ya?

And lastly, don't forget to wear your sunscreen.


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