My company caters breakfast once a month. For its employees. Not its employees and their families. But there is always that handful of people that think this food is free for the taking. Pun intended.
Now, in my opinion*, it is rude and greedy to be in line at 830 am and grabbing an extra one or two bagels or cookies to bring home for the family "later" knowing that half the company isn't even in yet to get their food. There could potentially be an employee that doesn't get their once-a-month free breakfast because you are bringing food home for your family. And that annoys the crap out of me.
How do I know that they're bringing food home for their family and they're not actually going to eat the 3 bagels, 2 cookies and 4 Krispy Kremes on their plate, you may be wondering? Because some people have just come out and told me. Once I saw a woman walking out with an overflowing plate. So of course I had to make the obligatory joke/comment "Are you really going to eat all that?" Her reply, "Oh, the cookies are for my son, he just loves them!" Really? And btw, her son is like 16. Not some cutey patootey toddler that you can imagine eating chocolate chip cookies like he's the Cookie Monster.
It is perfectly acceptable to wait until breakfast is over then grab some leftovers. Hell, I am always the first one in line for free leftovers! And, yes, I have even brought home leftover catering food home to the fam. One time they catered a lunch for us and there must have been 20 leftover pizzas in the kitchen so of course I grabbed one. Who says no to free pizza?
What's your opinion? Am I being too harsh here?
*This opinion is assuming the rude employee(s) is NOT homeless and NOT living on food stamps and is, indeed, a greedy individual. If they are homeless and living on food stamps then this opinion is null and void.
Apparently just don't leave it in the fridge, ohterwise you know what happens to that!