This is my husbands FB status at least once a month. I used to think it was just cute and witty but now I'm really starting to feel it. Believe it's true.
I opened up my end of year mortgage statement to find my mortgage is going up by $340 a month for 2011. A MONTH! It was like a punch in the gut. My house is 35 years old. Almost everything in it is 35 years old. When I look at the number that is our yearly salary and I look at the number that is my mortgage, I don't understand how I am not living in a 2 year old 4BR 2BA condo overlooking Ft Lauderale beach w/ valet and a live in chef. Because at this point, I could actually move out of my 35 yr old house and rent a 2 year old 4BR 2BA condo overlooking Ft Lauderale beach w/ valet and a live in chef for LESS than what my mortgage is. It just doesn't seem fair. It just doesn't seem like it's worth it.
My husband and I have been saving to remodel the kitchen. And we've been doing really good. It really is amazing how much more money I have when I stay away from Target and Kohl's. But then of course, Joe breaks a tooth and he needs to get it fixed. I need 4 new tires on my car. Liam started Phase 1 orthodontics. It just never ends.
I remember the days when we lived in the condo and my mortgage was $485 a month. But then we had a kid and outgrew the place. Those damn kids!
I feel so selfish for even complaining. I should be (and believe me I am) grateful to even have a house to live in. But really, this life is turning into a rat race. I stay at a job that I hate b/c I know I can't make as much money anywhere else. I save money to fix up a house that is putting me in the poorhouse. Does it make any sense?
But then my brother and his family come down to visit and they get to stay at my house. Not a hotel. And everybody actually gets a bed. Not the couch or the living room floor. And like how on NYE we had family, friends and neighbor kids running around our front yard playing football and shooting hoops. And that makes me feel good. That makes me feel like it's worth it. Maybe I should just start charging rent?
...or sell the kids?! LOL j/k