Monday, September 19, 2011

Well, hello there

Wow, my first post of September.  It's been a very busy few weeks.  Labor Day weekend was awesome.  I had some friends in town and we basically spent every waking moment together.  It was great.  We had tons of fun.  Then it was my birthday.  That was also great.  Joe took me out to dinner.  It was nice to have some alone time with him.  It had been a very long time.  Then it was Jill's birthday.  Had a little get together at the house for her.  Friends, family and neighbors.  It was fun.  Meanwhile, at work, I've been covering for someone who is spending 3 weeks in Hawaii.  Getting married or something.  So I've been learning a totally new job.

Other than that, I don't know what else to say.  I have been uninspired lately to write.  I've been so tired and I just can't seem to shake it.  It doesn't matter when I go to bed.  I either lie awake at night trying to fall asleep or I awake somewhere around 4am and try in vain to fall back asleep until the alarm goes off.  Oh well.

Nothing new is really going on.  Just the same old stuff.  What's new with you guys?