Thursday, July 18, 2013

Football is taking over my life

This is Liam's first season of tackle football.  Practice/conditioning has been going on since May.  I could see the difference between this league and the flag leagues right away.  This is some serious business.  When it was just conditioning, practices were 2 hrs 3 nights a week.  Which was already too much for me.  Joe has always been Liam's head coach so I never really had to go to practices before.  And I liked it that way.  6 hours a week sitting at a football field was just ridiculous and torturous to me.  On Monday, they started full pads practice.  Now practice is 2 1/2 hours 5 nights a week!  12 1/2 freaking hours a WEEK just sitting doing nothing at the field.  OMG.  This is killing me.  I get home from picking the kids up at almost 5:30, then we have to be at the field by 6.  No time for a decent dinner.  No time to relax after a long day at work/summer camp.  When we get home at close to 9 pm, kids have to eat, shower, brush teeth, relax.  Our new bedtime is now 10pm.  Which I don't like at all.  Ugh.  Don't even get me started on what goes through my mind when some kid much bigger than Liam completely flattens him on the field.  I almost started crying last night :(  First game is in 2 weeks.  He is awful cute in his pads though...