Thursday, June 28, 2012

Serenity now!

Conversation with my Dad yesterday.  I had just cleaned the bathroom and put everything that was on the counter tops into the ONE and ONLY drawer in the bathroom.

Dad:  Where did you put my toothbrush and tootpaste?
Me:  In the drawer.  (to me, the answer is completely obvious and that question should never even have been asked in the first place.)
Dad:  What drawer?
Me:  There's only ONE drawer in the bathroom, why would you ask me "what drawer?"
Dad:  Deborah, there is no drawer in your bathroom.
Me:  (Evil death stare) Really?  I must have imagined a drawer in there for the past 7 years where I put all the bathroom stuff in.
Dad:  Where is this drawer?
Me:  There is only ONE place for this drawer to be!
Dad:  I swear, I have never seen a drawer in the bathroom.

Is summer almost over?  Ay ay ay...

Monday, June 25, 2012

Someone wants to be just like me.

Jill is really getting into a stage where she is starting to notice me/the things I do as a "woman".  Not just the Mom.  When she sees me getting ready to go out she wants me to put make up on her.  I tell her all the time she's too pretty for makeup.  When she sees I am wearing a new shirt she has to comment on it.  Usually inquiring why my boobs are hanging out of it.  Kidding (not really).  She goes ape shit for jewelry too.  Wants to wear every piece of my jewelry.

The other day I was getting ready to go out and she saw me putting on my makeup.  She says "Mommy, I want to be just like you when I grow up."  Heart melted.  She also said, "Mommy, I wish I looked more like you so that when people look at me they would say "wow, she's like a mini you"."  I swear to God she said that.  So funny.

I remember being so fascinated with my Mom too when I was young.  Her pretty dresses and her pretty shoes and her pretty hair styles.  "Mom, can I have this dress when I grow up?"  "Mom, can I cut my hair like yours when I grow up?"  Now Jill asks me those same exact things.  It's crazy to think that I am someone's role model.  Someone in this world wants to be just like ME!  It's nothing short of amazing.  So much responsibility!

I remember when I was pregnant with her (we didn't find out the sex until she was born) thinking that if I had another boy I would be totally happy with that.  But, honestly, it's so fucking awesome having a baby girl!  I would recommend it to anyone.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

An Open Letter to My Kids

I love you guys more than words can ever express.  That's so cliche, I know.  But it's true.  You guys truly gave me purpose and direction in my life.  I didn't have much of that before you came along.  I want to give you guys everything important in life.  And I don't mean PSP's and brand new Jordans every 6 mos.  I mean, love and security and support.  I want to be a good role model for you to live up to. 

I want you to fill your lives with people who lift you up, who help you be better people.  Not people who bring you down and make you feel bad about yourselves.  Help other people be better people.  There is always room to be a better person.  I want you to always communicate openly and freely.  With everyone.  Wear your hearts on your sleeves.  Be compassionate and empathetic towards everyone you meet.  Empathy is so important in life.  Don't judge.  (That one is really hard!  But try.  Really hard.) 

Be humble.  Don't think you're better than other people because of the things you have.  Rather, try to be better than other people because of the way you are.  But don't think you're better than anyone.  Even though you may be.  It's snooty and judgy. 

Work hard for the things you have.  Don't let other people just give you everything.  Not even me.  You'll never appreciate anything that way.  Be responsible with your money.  It's a terrible feeling to be a slave to your debt.  Earning the things you have feels SO GOOD and NO ONE can ever take that away from you!

Travel the world.  Take the time when you're young to do this!  Be adventurous and experience other cultures.  Possibly, live in another country for a while.  Be a free spirit.  Live your lives for yourself.  No one else.  Not even me.  One of my few regrets in life is not traveling more when I was young and had the chance.

Mostly, I want you guys to be good people who are GOOD to other people.  Always try to be the best people you can be!  That will get you SO MUCH farther in life than anything else.  That's my belief anyway.

But most, MOST, of all, don't forget to love your Mom.  I won't be a perfect Mom.  Sometimes I'll yell.  Sometimes I'll get mad.  Sometimes I'll ground you for missing your curfew.  But, I promise, I will always try to be the best Mom I can be for you guys.  I love you with all of my soul and being.  Call me once in a while, won't ya?

And lastly, don't forget to wear your sunscreen.


Friday, June 8, 2012

I'm in a funk

You know how I know?  I have no cravings for food.  I mean, I get hungry and I know I need to eat.  I just never know what I want.  Nothing sounds particularly appetizing.  So I have to force myself to eat whatever.

I was talking with a recently divorced friend the other night and we were venting about our (ex)husbands.  I guess it just brought a lot of stuff to the surface.  Stuff I've been ignoring/repressing/living in denial about lately.  I mean, what the hell are Joe and I doing?  Why the hell aren't we moving towards divorce yet?  We haven't even talked in months.  I mean about anything other than Liam's football team or work.  I just can't stand the way he mostly ignores me.  I STILL can't stand it.  You'd think I'd be used to it by now.  But it hurts my feelings like nothing else in this world does.  I find myself hoping that he's miserable.  He deserves to be miserable.  HE did this to us.  How dare someone tell another person they love them and yet be so willing to desert and abandon them.  Not even try.  Not even want to try.  I would understand this whole thing so much better if you just said you DIDN'T love me anymore.  That makes sense.  That's why a person leaves another person.  Wow, just went off on a tangent there... sorry about that...

My guy friend dumped me for someone younger and blonder.  And (arguably) prettier.  I'm happy for him, I am.  He deserves to be with someone who is able to give him what he wants/needs.  And I'm just not that person right now.

I'm trying to give up caffeine because of my trouble sleeping.  I hadn't had a good nights sleep in about two weeks so I thought that giving up caffeine all together would help.  I'm on day 5 right now and I have had 3 decent (decent, not good) nights sleep in a row.  But I'm definitely waning.  I have absolutely no will power.  I miss my morning routine of a nice hot cup of coffee from DD.  But they say that 7 days of doing something forms a habit right?  So hopefully only 2 more days and I will be back in the habit of NOT drinking coffee.  And hopefully, back IN the habit of getting a good nights sleep.

As usual, in time this will pass.  Even my sour feelings towards Joe right now.

So tell me my lovelies, how do you know when you're in a funk?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

End of school

I swear, I just can't believe it's the end of another school year.  Start of another summer break.  I officially have a 4th grader and a 1st grader.  It's amazing!

So proud of my kids.  They worked really hard this year.  3rd grade was a real struggle for Liam, but he passed!  4th grade will be even harder for him.  Hopefully, together, we'll get through it!  But I saw him mature so much this year.  He's an amazing kid!

Kindergarten was a breeze for Jill.  1st grade will probably be the same.  Can't believe what an awesome reader she's become.  She really likes school and really loves learning.  She's an amazing kid!

My Dad will be watching them most of the summer.  I'm a little nervous about it.  He's never watched the kids for that amount of time.  But, summer camp was just too expensive this year.  I'm sure he'll do fine.  Joe will be taking them to Maine for a week and I will be taking them to NJ for a week.  Yay, for visiting family!

I wish I had more time off and more money and could visit everyone this summer.  But I can't.  Actually, I wish I had the whole summer off.  But I don't.  But my house is open to anyone that wants to come visit us!  Feel free to invite yourself.  You know I would do the same ;)

Happy summer everyone!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Automatic vs. Manual

Driving a manual is tons of fun.  Really it is.  You always feel like a race car driver.  I learned how to drive on an automatic but when I bought my first car it was a manual.  I barely knew how to drive it and was actually scared to drive it off the lot.  An ex-boyfriend taught me how to drive it.  The rest is history.  My first two cars were manuals.  I remember how weird it was when I bought my first automatic car.  And how long it took me to retrain myself to NOT push in the clutch and reach for the gear shift.  Those two actions, literally, become involuntary actions.  But, honestly, I don't think it ever fully left me.  After owning my only automatic car for 7 years, I would STILL find myself occasionally reaching for the gear shift or trying to push in the clutch.  So weird.

So when I was in the market for a new car a few months ago it never even occurred to me that I would/should/could buy another manual.  But the sales guy was walking me around and he peeked into one car and said "oh, that's a manual.  let's go look at the automatics."  Right away I thought, "OMG, a manual!?  How cool would that be to drive a manual again?!"  I was a little rusty on the test drive but it just felt so normal.  So natural.  Like it hadn't been over 7 years since I've driven one.  I love driving a manual...

However,,, it can be annoying at times.  Let's go through a few scenarios:

Approaching a red light
Automatic driver takes foot off gas and eventually puts it on brake until completely stopped.  If light happens to turn green before coming to a complete stop you have to step on the gas.

Manual driver takes foot off gas and has to downshift, downshift, downshift until completely stopped.  If light happens to turn green before coming to a complete stop you have to figure out what gear to drop into depending on how fast you're going (don't take too long to figure this out otherwise the driver behind you will beep at you for being too slow!).

Answering your phone
Automatic driver picks up phone, presses the green button and puts phone to ear.  Good job!

Manual driver picks up phone, presses the green button and puts phone to ear.  Oh, but the car in front of you is slowing down.  You need to downshift but, shoot, you don't have a free hand.  You have to hold your phone between your ear and shoulder to downshift.  Now you can't hear anything.  And, shoot, you drop your phone.  Between the seat.  Now you have to retrieve your phone.  All while actually paying attention to driving the car and trying not to kill everyone in it.  And still trying to figure out what gear you should be in.  The alternative to shifting with your right hand is reaching across your body with your left hand (while phone is in right hand) and having no hands on the steering wheel.  Hey, it happens sometimes.  This scenario also goes for trying to eat or drink anything while driving.

Stop and go traffic
Automatic driver - gas, brake, gas, brake, gas, brake, etc...

Manual driver - 1st, 2nd, yay, I made it to 3rd!, back to 2nd, 2nd, 2nd, back down to 1st, back up to 2nd,  ooh, I think I can make it back up to 3rd! - er, no etc... DO NOT try to eat/drink/answer your phone in stop and go traffic.  It WILL make you want to get out of your car and kick the driver in the car next to you.  Although, it's absolutely no fault of theirs.

The other day I was turning through a crazy deep puddle.  I had to put on my blinker, turn on my wipers and downshift to 2nd all in the same motion.  Yes, I'm that good at driving a manual.  Ha ha...

Next time you see that crazy driver on the road, consider the fact that they may not be a bad driver... maybe they're just driving a manual...