Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I can remember being young and picking honeysuckle flowers. I would pick out the stamen of the flower and there would be ONE drop of nectar. And I would eat that ONE drop of nectar.  But I don't remember where I actually picked these flowers. Or what they actually looked like. What I remember the most is what they smelled like. 

I've talked before about what a bad memory I have. And mostly I've joked about it. But the truth is, there's so much of my life I don't actually remember and it makes me sad that I don't remember it.  Other people remember their lives. Why don't I?  Why am I talking about this?  Because I walked into my house tonight and it smelled like honeysuckle. I have no idea why.  But all of a sudden I remembered honeysuckle. Which leads me to another phenomena I suffer from - phantom smells...

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