Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Going batty

So I've been home with the kids for a week and a half now.  Ay ay ay.  I just don't know if I'm cut out for this kind of lifestyle.  I mean entertaining these kids for 12 or 13 hours a day is just not something I am used to doing.  And the bickering.  The constant bickering is enough to drive anyone mad.  Last Monday, all I did was yell at them all day.  Over everything.  Then of course the guilt kicks in.  I don't like to yell at them all day, they are just so dang annoying sometimes.  I mean trying to sit down and write a blog first thing in the morning is like the most impossible task.  I've already been up 5 times just writing this one paragraph.  I've already threatened Jill about 3 times.  And there are 2 full moons running around my living room right now as I type this.  If you know what I mean.

Advantages of staying home with your kids all day:
Hmmm,,, still thinking about this one.

Disadvantages of staying home with your kids all day:
I find myself not managing my time very well.  On one hand it's nice to get out of bed at 8 or 830 but the time seriously gets away from me for the rest of the day.  And even though I am home with them, by the end of the day I don't feel like I've actually spent any time with them.  But I guess that's to be expected with older kids.  They're pretty independent.

I just want to go shopping everyday.  Part of this is that I'm trying to find good after Christmas sales.  So, literally, I am waiting for 75% off at Target.  Shopping = spending money.

There is no reason ever to look nice.  I haven't done my hair in over a week.  Haven't worn perfume.  And just putting on some powder and mascara is sporadic.

I won't bore you with the rest of my list.  There are quite a few more things I could add.

Being a working Mom my schedule is usually VERY structured.  My "on vacation" mentality when I'm not at work means time is just in freefall.  I'm sure if I didn't work I would have a better handle on this stay at home thing.  And for two weeks out of the whole year I feel like it's OK that I'm not very good at this.  My kids are extremely busy at school and with sports so I think they like the break from our normal schedule as well.

And I'm just joking about the not knowing the advantages of being home with them all day.  I know it's to have some help scrubbing toilets and mopping floors.

Props to all the SAHM's that actually make it work!  There's a special place in heaven for you.

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