Tuesday, November 16, 2010


This has been such a weird holiday season so far.  I feel like so many people just aren't into it this year.  Including me.  Starting with Halloween.  And now Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving is usually MY holiday.  It is hosted at my house every year.  Usually up to 13 people show up.  It has been my fave holiday since I was a kid.  But this year, I just don't feel that into it and have been trying to get out of it.  I suggested to dear hubby that we spend this Thanksgiving in **GASP** - a restaurant!  I have NEVER EVER spent Thanksgiving in a restaurant.  But since we were down to only 2 or 3 people coming over this year I don't feel like putting that much effort into it.  But now, those people have canceled.  So now we are free to eat wherever we want.

And here's another weird thing.  I can't wait to get our Christmas tree this year!  Usually this is a major chore that I don't want anything to do with.  I want to get it a whole week earlier then we have in previous years.  I think it's because I just cannot wait to hang my ornaments.  I love opening them all up every year and reflecting on who/how/when I got each one.  And this year I got a new ornament from Pier 1 (the Mary and baby).  I LOVE these ornaments!  I only have 1 other like this one.  It is from 2000.  I have vowed to add to my collection every year from now on.  You should read the history of Li Bien.  It is very interesting.  They make GREAT Secret Santa gifts!

Knowing, that I'll be spending Thanksgiving and Christmas with just my little family, I feel grateful for all the years I've been able to spend the holidays with extended family.  You never know what life changes are going to come each year that will prevent people from spending time together.  Be thankful for the times you were able to be together.  Geez, I am getting really corny in my old age.

And to all my family I don't usually get to see around the holidays - I love you.  I miss you.

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