Monday, November 29, 2010

No longer a virgin...

to being a Black Friday shopper!!!!!  Oh, you thought I was talking about the other thing??  Um, yeah...

Anywho... I did it!  I went shopping on Black Friday.  However, I was not one of those crazy 3am shoppers.  I went at 6am.  I went to Walmart and Kohl's, only because of their proximity to each other.  And I had a Kohl's coupon.  I got some OK deals.  Pajamas and sweatshirts and some games for the kids.  All for under $5 each.  I was kind of hoping to snag one of those $89 Nintendo DS Lites from Walmart but the Black Friday gods did not smile upon me for that one.  I know, that's one of the deals that you can ONLY get at 3am.  But I'm OK with that.  I don't really need one.

My best deal of the day was some towels for the kids.  You know the ones where they look like a butterfly or a little monster for less than $7.  Nothing really to write home about.  But at least I can now say that I've been shopping on BF.  Today happens to be Cyber Monday... I'm going to spend my morning trying to find who has the best deal on Zhu Zhu's!

Oh, kinda funny story about the word virgin... Liam was asking Joe the other day about all our zodiac signs.  So Joe said that Jill and I were Virgos and Liam asked what the symbol for Virgo was.  So I said "it's the virgin".  Liam says, "what's a virgin?"  Joe and I just look at each other and Joe blurts out "it's someone who's pure of spirit".  Ha ha, good one Joe.


  1. I too am no longer a virgin, I did my first black friday shopping as well. 5 AM central time, went solo, to walmart only. Was literly the guy behind the last guy to get the great deal on that TV. Oh Well! next time. Enjoyed it, but wished I has someone with me. Will probably do it again next year. EdD
