Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Donate Blood Y'all

I've been donating blood since I was about 18.  I don't remember how or why I started.  I have a fairly rare blood type.  Every single person can receive my blood type but I can only receive my own blood type.  Since everybody can receive their own blood type AND my blood type (except me!) I have always felt it was important of me to donate as often as I could.  I'm a "universal" donor.

I have donated whole blood, platelets and I believe I donated red blood cells once.  I remember after donating for a few years the blood bank sent me a "certificate" in the mail that I had donated ONE GALLON of blood.  Go me!  Now I know they probably mean for this to be some kind of motivational tool but, honestly, imagining a whole gallon jug full of blood was a disgusting creepy thought!  I've probably donated about 20 gallons by now.  There's a nice mental image...

My local blood bank sends me flyers in the mail when they are having blood drives for a specific reason.  Like a 3 yo girl who has leukemia.  With her cute little picture and her sob story.  Like I can say no to that??  Ugh, what if that was my kid?

So I know, it can be annoying or a little time consuming (45 whole minutes!) or you may even be scared of needles (just don't watch!) but you're helping someone, somewhere.  And it didn't cost you a penny.  So get out there and donate!  Especially if you have a rare(ish) blood type.  It, literally, could mean the difference between life and death for someone.

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